저작권자 © 영남대학교 언론출판문화원 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
Park Jin-ho, a YU Chemical Engineering professor, was awarded the “24th Best Science Technology Thesis Award” at the 2014 Korea Science and Technology Annual Meeting hosted by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST). Professor Park was recognized for achievements in his thesis Form on Silicon Substrate for Anodizing Aluminum Nano-template and Application in One-dimensional Structure Copper Nano-pillar Manufacturing. If his thesis is to be implemented, it will be applied in various industries like thin film solar cells, sensors, LED electro-optical, and energy devices. Professor Park was nominated by more than 320 institutions and conferences including the National Science and Technology for the Best Science Technology Thesis Award. Professor Park said that he will continue to contribute to a revival of chemical engineering.