저작권자 © 영남대학교 언론출판문화원 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
One distinguished YU alum and a former YU professor are showing the quality of our university as the Park Geun Hye Government announced new nominees to the Blue House staff and each government ministry. Lee Dong Phil, who received a degree in Livestock Management from YU in 1974, has been appointed the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. Minister Lee joined the Korea Rural Economic Institute in 1980, and has been researching the development of agriculture and farming. Minister Lee is an expert in American conditions and trades. It is widely known that he is faithful to his role of establishing a future administrative vision by suggesting a national policy direction through the field of “agrifood” in his position as Mid-term Fiscal working president. In addition, Gim Chae Chun, Education professor since March, 2000 has been appointed the first Secretary to the President for Education. He played an important role in making an educational pledge at the time of the presidential election as a member of the national happiness propulsion committee, and he worked as an expert member of the presidential transition committee. Proud YU people, who have gained notoriety in the political and financial world, will help open a hopeful new stage in Korean government, bringing honor and prestige to YU.