The Black-List System Begins in May 2012
The Black-List System Begins in May 2012
  • 문화부 기자 우다은
  • 승인 2012.05.11 14:03
  • 댓글 0
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The black-list system began on the first of May 2012. This policy states that you can use any cell phone with one USIM chip except for cell phones on the black-list due to loss or robbery. Moreover, cell phones will soon be sold at marts and convenience stores. Previously USIM chips could only be changed between handsets in the same communication network. However, equipping a USIM chip in the handsets of different communication networks is now possible. If cell phones are sold at marts and convenience stores, the distribution structure will be simplified and prices will go down as bubbles in cell phone prices disappear. Consumers will be able to purchase cell phones at lower prices and with less hassle.

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