India’s University Situation in ‘Deep Crisis’
India’s University Situation in ‘Deep Crisis’
  • 이현정기자
  • 승인 2012.05.10 08:19
  • 댓글 0
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In India, demands for higher education are increasing in proportion to the increase in zeal for education and the increasing number of youth. Due to this demand, universities that are not authorized by the Indian government are springing up everywhere because the current number of accredited universities is insufficient to meet the growing demand. Out of more than 31,000 higher education institutions, only 4,532 universities are accredited. If a university is not authorized by the Indian government, the degrees that are received by those students are not valid. In addition the over issuance of degrees from national universities is a problem. For example, Rayalaseema University, one of the national universities, granted 2,660 of doctorates in fields that the university offered no curriculum for 2 years. The government should establish a system in order to ensure students are studying in authorized universities.

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