Creative Learning Ability Test
Creative Learning Ability Test
  • 김지혜기자
  • 승인 2012.04.03 21:22
  • 댓글 0
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The Yeungnam University Center for Teaching and Learning is enforcing a system for the creative learning ability test in order to foster Y-type human resources. It is running from March 5th, 2012 to January 31st, 2013 and through all vacation periods. Applications for participation will be taken on their website ( after deciding on the date and time. The test takes about 10 minutes. They will also test regarding life habits and learning habits as they deal with creative learning and their capacity to learn new things. After getting their results, the students can receive advice based on a results analysis for about 1 hour at the Center for Teaching and Learning. They can also receive coaching on how to study or receive online advising. 78% of the students who received counseling at the Center for Teaching and Learning, were able to improve their grades. Concrete advice and the steady effort of students will help them change their life habits and learning habits.

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