저작권자 © 영남대학교 언론출판문화원 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
It has been 10 years since Iowa State University (ISU) and the College of Natural Resources at Yeungnam University set up a sisterhood relationship. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of this relationship three professors from ISU will visit the university from March 25th to the 31st. The purpose of their visit is to come up with plans to activate cultural exchange programs between the two universities. ISU is renowned in the field of Agricultural Engineering, and is currently ranked 2nd in the USA. Currently, there are two cultural exchange programs involving the College of Natural Resources; a study abroad program and a dual degree program. Students in the study abroad program can earn three credits after participating in programs such as visiting corporations, cultural activities, and outdoor activities in the USA. Students who participate in the dual degree program can earn two degrees when they study at the university for three years and one and a half years at ISU. The university should actively promote these study abroad programs in order to keep its promise of becoming a glocal initiative university.