We Have to Make Greater Use of “Small Cars”
We Have to Make Greater Use of “Small Cars”
  • Observer
  • 승인 2011.11.07 21:25
  • 댓글 0
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We Have to Make Greater Use of “Small Cars”
Recently, a survey in Korea has shown that the usage rate of “small cars” accounted for only 13 percent of the total number of cars on the road. In addition, the Office of the Prime Minister set up guidelines to convert more than 50 percent of all government cars to small cars or hybrid cars for greater energy conservation in 2005. However, government organizations do not use small cars for safety reasons. Moreover, their usage rate is still less than 10 percent. Small cars get better gas maileage average 7km per liter more than midsize cars. In addition, if we drive small cars we will pay half price for motorway tolls. Finally, we can also receive a refund on the diesel fuel tax of 250 won per liter. The Observer hopes many people will use small cars and enjoy all of the benefits that come along with them.

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