저작권자 © 영남대학교 언론출판문화원 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
The Jobyoung launched a “We Make a Resume for Students at Each College” program. The program will result in job consultants from the Jobyoung to give one to one help for students to create a resume. Also, students can receive feedback related to their own distinct characteristics since the job consultants are from different colleges. The consulting will last for 20 minutes and students who want more advice can apply. The program provides job clinics on career courses, methods of writing job application forms, image making, and interview skills along with resume writing. The Jobyoung will continue this program until the end of this month and also target enrolled students and students who are on a leave of absence. Students who want to participate in the program need to apply on the Student Capability Development website and can use the program free of charge. The program runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and students can make an appointment for a time and day. When students are visiting the center, a resume is required. It is expected that this will be helpful to students who need assistance with their resumes.