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prime parking areas, and not charging for parking areas
that are far away from campus buildings and facilities.
There are three pay for parking areas located near the
main, the east, and the west gates. There are free
parking areas at the rear of the College of Engineering,
at the back of the College of Music, and at Samchunji.
Based on the current system, periodical parking tickets
can be purchased in order to access the pay parking lots
located in prime areas. In spite of the fact that students
are the owners of the university, they have been
excluded from this system.
School officials such as full time faculty, university
staff, and part-time instructors are able to buy parking
passes from 10,000 won for one month to 50,000 won
for an entire semester of parking. In contrast, YU
undergraduates are not able to purchase these parking
passes, and they must pay the same fees as any visitor.
The base fee is 600 won per half hour with 200 won is
added per every 10 minutes after the first 30 minutes. If
YU students park their cars in the pay parking lots for
about 5 hours, the charge comes to 6,000 won for that
day and 30,000 won for a school week.
Based on these rates, the cost of parking is a heavy
burden on student drivers. In order to help its students
YU needs to reduce the fees. If this consideration causes
budget problems, the university can rearrange the
pricing structure of other parking tickets and passes.
However, YU is skeptical about any changes in the
current parking fee structure. They argue that there are
currently not enough parking spaces available for the
number of student drivers who are already driving to
school, and if the fees were lowered there would be
many problems with over demand. They also pointed
out that increased student driver traffic could lead to
more congestion and accidents.
Most undergraduates feel the current pricing
structure for parking is unfair, and that they should not
have to pay visitors rates to park on their own campus.
There are many sides to consider in this issue, but all
parties involved should attempt to come up with some
kind of compromise.
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