No. 313 Letter Yeon-Ju Kwak
No. 313 Letter Yeon-Ju Kwak
  • Yeon-Ju Kwak
  • 승인 2010.11.22 11:32
  • 댓글 0
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I read YNO for the first time. Before I didn't know well about happenings in Daegu, YU campus, culture, technology and so on. But after I read YNO, I can know these things are very interesting. YNO gave me very useful information. Especially it was good because many articles are about unusual topics. When I take the subway for going to school, I read YNO every time. So I am not bored when I take the subway, because this magazine is so interesting. I think not only me but many students after they read this magazine are very happy. From now on, I will expect the next issue.

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