The New President of YU
The New President of YU
  • .
  • 승인 2009.09.01 11:30
  • 댓글 0
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Dr. Tong-Ki Woo finished his four year tenure as President of Yeungnam University on 22 January, and in February 2009 Dr. Hyo-Soo Lee began his presidential tenure. As a result of the 13th Presidential Election, which was held on 9 November 2008, the 4th candidate, Dr. Hyo-Soo Lee was elected as 13th president of YU. The students?union wanted to participate in the election, but they were left out. The new President was elected by about a thousand staff members only. At the final vote, Dr. Hyo-Soo Lee received 54.8% of the votes.
Dr. Hyo-Soo Lee is the first university president who was elected by manifesto. Each candidate was rated based on the viability of their vision for the university, achievable perspectives, connection to the university, and a definitive timetable for the realization of their plan. As Dr. Hyo-Soo Lee mentioned in his inaugural speech, the key campaign pledge was to create a 'Glocal University' that receives all the talent of the world for training and then give them back to world. For this pledge, Dr. Hyo-Soo Lee will increase the percentage of foreign professor to 15% total faculty. He also said he would try his best to make YU a lead-up University rather than a catch-up University as part of creating a global standard.
The new president's pledge was well displayed in his electoral commitment which domestically hopes to improve Yeungnam University's level back to times of past glory and international recognition. In order to be successful, the president must do everything in his power. Also, both students and university staff should observe him constantly. Nowadays, Yeungnam University is in trouble due to the normalization of its private foundation and the influence of general emergencies experienced by local universities. As former president Woo stated in his resignation, there are many tasks for the next president. During his term in office, Yeungnam University hopes the new president will be able to supply the inspiration and leadership to bring about growth and development.


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