The 3rd English Essay Contest
The 3rd English Essay Contest
  • Hyun-Woo Roh
  • 승인 2009.02.12 15:51
  • 댓글 0
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The Winner in High School Division

What are alternative energies? Alternative energies are, as the word show, substitutes for conventional energy sources such as charcoal and petroleum. While those traditional resources are limited, new and alternative energies are based on infinite natural sources such as solar, wind or water. To convert those natural powers into viable energy source, we need highly advanced technologies and facilities. Over the past years, especially after the 1st and 2nd oil shock, developed nations have spent a great deal of time and money to find practical ways to exploit natural sources. After nearly ten decades, they were able to develop applicable technologies. Likewise, it took a long time and enormous budget to reach the goal modern science still lacks the knowledge and experience to provide general public with economical and affordable devices using alternative energy.   

As aforementioned, even the countries with latest scientific knowledge had to spend years to become able to actually use the natural sources. Moreover, we still need further steps to generalize the techniques. Hybrid Cars, for example, after decades of research and investment, companies were able to develop an engine which use innocuous and eco-friendly energy source. Nevertheless, the companies don't have enough facilities or knowledge to produce hybrid cars in mass. Since they can produce only a few hybrids, they sell the cars at such high price that it is too lavish for general customers. Therefore, it can't be wide-spread to the people. This phenomenon occurs not only in the auto industry, but also in other alternative energy-based businesses. Moreover, companies and nations with the new technologies would never share them with their counterparts or opponents.    

United States, who is pioneer in alternative energy, for example, they spent more that 10 trillion dollars on developing techniques to convert natural sources into energy in the past 10 years. They employ scientists from all over the world, dessicated tons of water, and did everything they could to devise alternative energy techniques. It took the greatest effort and passion for the Americans to reach their goal. Then, would the Americans, who are renowned for their arrogance and hubris, like to share their valuable knowledge with other nations? They would at least allow others to buy it at twice the cost they spent on experiment. Other developed nations with the similar technologies would do the same. In addition to the wealthy nations monopoly, general public's indifference toward substitute energy and systematic inconveniences also contribute greatly to the slow generalization.    

Normal consumers don't find any great need for alternative energy-based equipments. Korea's heating system, for example, most people depend on electric heating systems which are cheap and efficient. Even if solar-based heating is also cheap and efficient, they are not far superior than the general methods. People wouldn't tend to change to it by paying additional money. Moreover, the Governments nor the denizens aren't ready for the new energy systems. Once again hybrid cars for example, if I buy one at the cost of my arms and legs, I would face a lot of difficulties and inconveniences. Have you ever seen a 'hybrid station'? not a gas station. To recharge the engine, I might have to drive thousands of killometers or all the way to major cities. Same for the repairs. If my hybrid engine malfunctions, I might have to send it back to the original facility. Moreover, the car itself hasn't been proved and is still unstable. Even if the car would have passed numerous tests by the company, we the customers don't know about its convenience or safety they well, as it is not generalized yet. We also don't know whether the new tech-based engine will work well in 10 years. Because of the short history of new technology and alternative energy, people don't find great benefits to believe in them.    

The alternative energies are likely to be the only solution for the future society. Previous bio-chemical resources are depleting and they have done great harm to the earth and caused global warming and climate change. Meanwhile, alternative energies are renewable and eco-friendly, so they won't deplete or do any bad for us to change and adapt to the new order under alternative energy. Governments should begin reforming systems that will be well suited to alternative energy usage and share their technologies with other nation. That way, we can keep the earth safe and live in peace and harmony.

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