Book Wanted

2016-07-21     변건윤

YU library’s rule about overdue students will be changed next semester. Existing regulations to overdue students are notifying the list of long-term overdue students and restricting the lending service. However, there will be new regulations applied on other facilities in the library. It is impossible to lend the seat, apply the room for studying, and request the cabinet. However if you return the book, you can use all of the facilities in library after an hour.

GwonYeongchan (the director of Yeungnam University Electron Reference Team) said that “There were enormous complaints about the uncomfortable in lending because of long-term overdue students. Especially many students lend books of major, but they do not care about when to return. Therefore we change the existed regulation“. This change is not the first. Almost decade  ago, Yeungnam University took delay change from the students who did not return books. But this way caused students to think about as ‘It is fine to give a fee’. This way caused complaint attitude that it just brought opposite effect.

A (Yeungnam Universuty student) said that “It does not matter for me to restrict about lending. During the semester, I do not lend a book for interest, because it is still busy enough to study my major and participate in clubs.” Also B (Yeungnam Universuty student) said that “As I think returning is trivial, I usually forget to return the book. The existed regulation is not enough to force students to return”. Most of students agree that they do not have enough reason for returning the book. GwonYeongchan (the director of Yeungnam University Electron Reference Team) said that “It is important to think a book as a public possession. We should return the book on time not by strict actions but by etiquette. We should keep in mind our action as for getting the long-term overdue books not for depriving the duty for lending.