Consideration Period System for Genuine International Marriages

2010-11-18     문예원 준기자
Recently, damage from international marriages has been on the rise. The Ministry of Justice will actively intervene at the earlystages of international marriages starting in November. The ministry has passed legislation entitled 'Amendment ofImmigration Control Law’ which will raise the standards for visa screening as a means of reinforcing a couple’s purpose formarriage. The amendment includes a consideration period system that dictates people who fail the visa screening processcannot reapply for another 6 months. The intention of this law is to decrease the damage by not allowing marriages that canbecome problematic from the stage of entry. It is designed to give time to think about what it takes to have a genuineinternational marriage. The ministry will also create various aid programs. These programs aim to help the parties getinformation about international marriages during this period. Through this amendment, the ministry hopes there will be adecrease in the abuse of international marriages, like a sham marriages and a human trafficking.