Daegu-Gyeongbuk Administrative Integration, What is Your Choice in August?

2021-06-18     Kim Ji-yeon

  The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Administrative Integration proposal would create a larger Self-Governing region with greater autonomy and resources by combining Daegu Metropolitan City and North Gyeongsang Province. As overpopulation and overcrowding of Seoul have increased, local extinction has accelerated. This plan would promote regional innovation by securing more discretionary power and resources through administrative integration. 
  The process for integration needs public opinion formation, a local referendum, and the enactment of a special law for municipalities. The final decision will be made by the city and local residents through a referendum in August 2021. The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Administrative Integration Public Debate Commission requested Korea Research to conduct the first public opinion survey on 2,000 men and women aged 18 and over in Daegu and Gyeongbuk from February 16 to 19.
  According to the survey of city and provincial residents on Daegu and Gyeongbuk administrative integration, 40.2% were in favor, while 38.8% opposed, and 21.1% were “I don’t know” or no response. Daegu citizens had 1.1% higher opposition than approval, while Gyeongbuk residents had a 3.8% higher approval opinion than the opposition.
  The top 3 reasons in favor of administrative integration were as follows: It will promote balanced national development through the composition of local governments that can compete with the metropolitan government (28.1%). It will promote win-win development between cities and rural areas through the integration of cities and provinces (27.1%). It will secure competitiveness by strengthening the authority of local governments (16.3%).
  The top 3 reasons opposing administrative integration were as follows: It is unlikely that the regional balanced development policy will be appropriately promoted (38.3%). It is unlikely that the economic and industrial development resulting from the integration will be significant (29.6%). There is a risk that each city, county, and district budget will be reduced (10.2%).
  According to recognition by age, 18-29-year-olds showed the lowest recognition (29.8%), and the highest recognition (63.7%) was among those aged 50-59. As a result, people aged 18 to 29 were notably less interested in voting. We should learn about the various pros and cons and vote for best voting results according to your opinion. It is also an adultʼs duty to vote appropriately, so it would be good to consider integrating administrative affairs in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province thoughtfully.